Wednesday, August 20, 2014


This month has been so full.  I've been to the point of utter exhaustion and back so many times.  Generally I've had pretty easy babies, but this sweet baby of ours has had a fussy tummy in the evenings.  I'm definitely not recovering from birth the way that I have in the past.  I must be getting older, not-to-mention the fact that this is number six! Almost all of the naps I've tried to take since I had the baby have been interrupted by sneaky kids, usually to ask me something quite trivial, like, "Can I play the Wii?"  And only cause Dad just said 'No.'  I tried locking myself in my room to take a nap, only to find that having my four-year-old bang on the door was even more disturbing than the constant comings and goings of our busy family.

While the past month has not been very restful or easy, it has been a close time for our family.  We are getting to know our new little one, watching our kids play hard outside in the sunshine most of every day, and observing the progress on the treehouse.

In the meantime, everything around our place is dirty and messy.  We have half-finished projects everywhere, including a bathroom remodel that has sprawled out into the hallway and Living Room, and gardens and landscaping that are starting to be taken over by our blessed NW blackberries!  With Mom tied up with nursings, all the kids home, and being outdoors, there's no hope of getting the house caught up on right now.  The baby keeps me from staying on top of the kids chores.  Even when it's clean it it stays that way for about 30 seconds.  I know, I should just give up entirely, but having a clean house is one of those things that makes me feel more comfortable.  I don't clean for anyone else, but to my own comfort level. With that in mind, it's been hard living with toys and shoes everywhere and dirty laundry piles.

My husband started his paternity leave with a big list of projects he wanted to do, and I had a list of my own, but in the end, the thing that got done was the treehouse.  I guess the kids won't remember our half-finished bathroom, or our disaster of a yard.  But for the rest of their lives, they will remember that their Daddy helped them build a treehouse.  I am so grateful for a guy in our lives who would do that!

I will post pictures of the finished treehouse as soon as I get them taken and uploaded.  More to come!

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